Resting Days

Hola everyone. Well, I have been resting my back for a week and it’s feeling a lot better. I’m going back on the ice tomorrow so hopefully everything turns out alright. All I’ve been doing is sleeping, eating, listening to music, icing my back, on the internet, tumblr, twitter, youtube, facebook, etc, and reading. Yep, I’m so productive. So, for the past two days I’ve been hanging out with Tofu. Lol so much fun. Yesterday, we went to get pho and boba, we watched this Korean movie called A Werewolf Boy (maybe youv’e heard of it, it’s so good and sad), got Starbucks, walked around, watched B.A.P. on Youtube while eating Takis, and took a bunch of fail pictures. She ended up sleeping over. Haha. And we stayed up til 2 this morning and woke up at 11. Well, actually we woke up earlier but we were too lazy to get out of bed. 😛 And then we got Jamba Juice and went back and hung out and talked some more. So pretty, relaxing week and I should be back on the ice tomorrow. Oh and another thing, I feel bad because Panda invited me to listen to his band (a lot more people were invited not just me) and I don’t think many people went. I wanted to support him, but I couldn’t. I wanted to see him perform though. Oh well, maybe another time. Thanks for reading.

~ K

Father’s Day

Hello there. Okay, well first of all, Happy Father’s Day to all you dad’s out there. It may not seem like it sometimes, but all of us are so grateful to have you in our lives, and we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for your love and support. 🙂

So here’s how my day went today. You see, because we are selling our house, we need to get rid of stuff. Lots of stuff. So, we had a garage sale. Yay. And you know me, I don’t sleep til like 2 AM. So this morning wasn’t a very pleasant one. You see, my mom said the night before, oh yeah I’m going to wake up early, you can just sleep in. Me: Sweet. Okay. So I sleep. And my mom wakes me up and says come on, I have to set up. Unless you just want to stay here? Me: yeah I think I’ll stay. Her: hurry up and get your butt out of bed so you can help me with the garage sale. Me: …..ugh. Fine. So, yes, I was in a terrible mood this morning. And the weather didn’t help. We had to hang posters first, then set up. And, it was so tiring, I had to bring so much stuff down and help people. Exhausted.

Then, me and my sister had to walk a little bit to the library where our dad was going to pick us up. (My mom couldn’t leave the sale.) And it was alright from there. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory where I had steak and a milkshake. Yum, so good. And then we went around a mall. Not much stuff I wanted, I don’t know, I’m very, VERY picky when it comes to my style and fashion and the clothes I wear. Yeah…so not much. And then me, my sis, and my dad got some boba, omg so good and then we watched…wait for it…MAN OF STEEL. OMG. OMG. OMG. AHHHHHH. THAT MOVIE. MY FEELS. It was actually pretty good. I wasn’t disappointed. However, there was a few things missing that I wish were there. Like oh, I don’t know, maybe a few more details about Krypton? And why were the people in the movie just staring at the flying ship? Here’s a suggestion. R. U. N. RUN. Yep. Geez, so unrealistic sometimes. But all in all, a pretty good movie. And OMG. Henry Cavill in that movie. Hawt, if I do say so myself. Looking pretty smexy in that cape of his. 😛 Lol.nOkay I’m done. And that’s pretty much it. I feel sort of sick though for some reason. I don’t why. But I have a sore throat, a cough, a stuffy nose. Hmmmm…cold symptoms? Oh well. Ugh. Okay well, bai bai. Thanks for reading!!

~ K